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    SeraSpot? Vaskulitis-3 IgG

    單價: 面議
    發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
    所在地: 北京
    有效期至: 長期有效
    最后更新: 2019-01-08 11:55
    瀏覽次數: 925

    Intended use:


    SeraSpot® Vaskulitis-3 IgG is an in vitro diagnostic device (spotimmunoassay, SIA) for the detection of autoantibodies of the IgG isotype directed against the following antigens: Proteinase 3 (PR3), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and glomerular basement membrane (GBM) in human serum or plasma samples.


    General information:


    Primary systemic vasculitis of small and middle large vessels (1) of unknown ethiopathogenesis is associated with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA). Because ANCA seem to activate directly neutrophil granulocytes which are accumulated in the lesions of small vessels and thereby initiate an inflammatory destructive process no immunoglobulins or complement components are seen in the vascular lesions (so-called “pauci-immune” vasculitis) (2, 3).

    Major antigens of ANCA are: MPO,PR§, GBM all detectable with  SeraSpot® Vaskulitis-3 IgG.

    Test principle:

    SeraSpot® Vaskulitis-3 IgG SIA is a solid phase immunoassay based on the use of recombinant or purified native proteins as capture antigens printed in array arrangement (spot array) on the bottom of the wells of 96well-microtitration plates. The antigens serve as capture molecules for autoantibodies against proteinase 3, myeloperoxidase and glomerular basement membrane. Bound antibodies are detected by horseradish peroxidase-(HRP)-labeled antibodies against human antibodies of IgG-type by substrate reaction with hydrogen peroxide and 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB). At the site of formed immune complexes blue spots are developed by precipitated product from colorless substrate solution.

    Color intensity is correlated to the antibody concentration. Pale blue to dark blue spots are visible by eye.

    Art. No.:

    • SP-003-3 G-S6 (1×48)
    • SP-003-3 G-S12 (1×96)
    • SP-003-3 G- S24 (2×96)
    Art. No. SP-003-3 G-S12
    Test format Microspot array
    Incubation time 1.5 h
    Instructions German/English
    SeraSpot? Vaskulitis-3 IgG SpotSight? strip Stool preparation set ELISA
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