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       日期:2017-10-30     瀏覽:108    
    核心提示:發(fā)布日期:2017-10-30 10月27日,最新一期Science雜志編輯部發(fā)布了一則撤稿聲明


    10月27日,最新一期Science雜志編輯部發(fā)布了一則撤稿聲明,撤稿聲明顯示,2011年諾貝爾生理學或醫(yī)學獎得主、德克薩斯西南醫(yī)學中心教授Bruce Beutler及其合作者2014年在Science雜志上發(fā)表的題為“MAVS, cGAS, and endogenous retroviruses in T-independent B cell responses”的一文因為后續(xù)的數(shù)據(jù)重復(fù)問題,在Bruce Beutler主動告知了Science雜志后對該文進行撤稿處理。撤稿聲明還顯示,該論文的第一作者Ming Zeng以及共同第二作者Xiaolei Shi仍然表示他們的實驗結(jié)果沒有問題而不同意撤稿,他們認為這是因為實驗設(shè)計造成的問題。非常值得注意的是,著名的華人生物學家、美國科學院院士陳志堅(Zhijian J. Chen)教授在該論文也有署名。


    撤稿聲明中提到的問題是,這篇論文的Fig 1和3所呈現(xiàn)的數(shù)據(jù)在課題組后續(xù)重復(fù)實驗中得不到很好的重復(fù)(詳見文末撤稿聲明原文)。


    Bruce Beutler has informed Science that experiments performed in his laboratory have failed to reproduce clearly the foundational observations of the 2014 article “MAVS, cGAS, and endogenous retroviruses in T-independent B cell responses” (1)。 In contrast to data presented (Figs. 1 and 3), he now finds that deficiency of MAVS and/or cGAS does not cause a robust decrease in type II T-independent B cell responses. At most, a decreased antibody response is observed in Stinggt/gt mice. Although some of the data shown in the paper may be correct, the core observations and conclusions are not. Beutler and a majority of coauthors have therefore requested retraction of the paper.

    The editors nonetheless note that authors Ming Zeng and Xiaolei Shi stand by the findings of the paper. These authors do not agree to this retraction due to disagreement with the design of the reproduction experiments.

    The editors have worked with the authors to determine the appropriate outcome and have decided retraction is appropriate in light of the lack of robustness of the main finding.



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